Call for Freedom

Self is the source of all things such as knowledge, hope, power, etc.

A person might have gained proficiency in his work field and academics through his efficient works and extensive learning respectively or he might have a through idea of the universe and its workings. But it is likely that he too is disturbed and feels an inner longing for something permanent.

Many of us are ignoring the call for freedom from our own hearth. The jewel of freedom lies within our own self.

What we need to do is arise and awaken the self. This can be achieved through meditation. When we meditate, our thoughts are silenced, allowing our feelings to settle and trigger strong emotional responses. Everyday morning, we have this freedom of choice with us “will I expand my mind and soul or will I cause myself to be entrapped?” One must remember that the self-reveals its true being to one who longs to know the self. The one who knows the self is free of sorrow.

Since it is natural to become a prey to ego and feel a sense of pride in the process of gaining knowledge, it is important that one must adopt the right mindset to get out of this illusionary energy. Such practices and mindsets will lead to development of a purified mind and soul and the culture of excellence can be manifested in a purified mind only. Once excellence is achieved, success is not far apart.


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