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The shade that doesn't shed,the bond that never fades,I wish to revert back,back to the walks,walks with laughter andtall talks,stormy showers to delightful drizzles,yet never stopped the giggles.the wheels of time,that's neither thine nor

The Symphony of Silence

I long for a real silence, real and deep,the type one can probably only imagine,the type you can’t find, but stumble upon.In a cavern, or deep down a reef,high in the mountains, in its deep steeps,or probably, a ship abandoned ages ago,or

Old Soul

The colour crimson, the sky strokes,beyond the plumes of smoke,do you adore the light huethat shies away from the darkyet brings you the mornings anew?Do you listen to the silence ofthe benign blue, that lie defenseless,covering the

The Fallen Leaves

The fallen leaves, this autumn, have been piled,So that she can keep right on top of them;And, if the heaps mean every leaf is filed,Then such is life, the tidiness may stem. Wild thoughts of blooming breezes and the storm,That lies